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Rwanda Kills Congolese Soldier, Two Arrested on Border

Rwanda Kills Congolese Soldier, Two Arrested on Border
Rubavu border point between Rwanda and the DRC. Image: The New Times, Rwanda

Rwandan defence forces on Tuesday reported an incident where a Congolese soldier was killed after illegally crossing the border and engaging in gunfire with local security forces.

The incident occurred in Rubavu District, Northwestern Rwanda, leading to the apprehension of two additional Congolese soldiers from the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (FARDC).

According to the statement released by the Rwandan defence forces, Sergeant Asman Mupenda and Corporal Anyaska Nkoi Lucien were apprehended by Rwandan patrols, with the support of local neighborhood watch groups.

This development is expected to heighten tensions between the two East African Community member states.

Congolese President Felix Tshisekedi had previously issued strong statements during his final campaign, threatening to declare war on Rwanda if provoked.

He expressed frustration with alleged support for M23 rebels by Kigali and vowed to seek
parliamentary authorization for a declaration of war if re-elected.

The resurgence of M23 in November 2021 has exacerbated violence in the volatile eastern region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), home to over 100 armed groups.

This is making the relationship between Rwanda and Congo even more tense.

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