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MULTILATERALISM: Kenya Elected into UN Economic and Social Council for Three-Year Term

MULTILATERALISM: Kenya Elected into UN Economic and Social Council for Three-Year Term

Kenya has been elected Thursday into the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), the coordinating body for the economic and social work of UN agencies and funds, for a three-year term.

189 countries supported Kenya’s candidature.

Kenya’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Martin Kimani after the vote thanked other countries for supporting Kenya, noting “that the country will offer ideas, collaboration, and ambition to the work of coordinating the economic and social efforts of the UN”.

The Council has 54 members, which are elected each year by the General Assembly for three-year terms.

Kenya’s term is scheduled to start in January 2024.

Seats on the council are shared on the basis of geographical representation with 14 seats allocated to African states.

11 to Asia-Pacific states, six to Eastern European states, 10 to Latin American and Caribbean states, and 13 to Western Europe and other states.


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