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Kenya’s Ruto to Host Fifth Global Peace Leadership Conference in Nairobi
Kenya’s Ruto to Host Fifth Global Peace Leadership Conference in Nairobi
| June 9, 2024

Announcing the conference during a media engagement in Nairobi on June 7, 2024, Daniel Juma, the Executive Director, GPF Kenya said the delegates will convene in Nairobi to explore and discuss ways to promote peace, development and cooperation in the African context in the spirit of ‘Ubuntu’. Photo: Barrack Oduor

President William Ruto will this month be leading this year’s global peace conference set for Nairobi in an event where more than 500 delegates from around the globe including top government officials are expected.

The conference is set for June 25 to June 27 and will be the fifth Global Peace Leadership Conference (GPLC) in Africa where notable figures including Ethiopian President Sahle-Work Zewde will attend and give speeches.

The Global Peace Foundation Kenya (GPF) and the Inter-Religious Council of Kenya (IRCK) are the lead organisers.

Their main aim in this year’s event is to unite leaders, visionaries, and change-makers from 25 countries to discuss critical issues around freedom, peace and sustainable development in Africa.

President Ruto, who has been seeking to carve a Pan-African statesman and a beacon for African renaissance and unity, is expected to give a keynote address as well as Kenya’s opposition chief Raila Odinga who is angling to rise at the helm of the African Union Commission.

Odinga is scheduled to address the closing ceremony.

Daniel Juma, the executive director of Global Peace Foundation Kenya, said the event will focus on ways to promote peace, development and cooperation.

“This year’s conference seeks to shape a prosperous and peaceful future for the continent by engaging government officials, policy-makers, faith leaders, educators and other stakeholders in a bid to increase social cohesion,” he said.

“We aim to forge interfaith harmony and partnerships for development among other agendas,” Juma added.

According to the organisers, Kenya’s selection as the venue for the Global Peace Leadership Conference (GPLC) Africa 2024 is a testament to its pivotal role in fostering dialogue and action on global challenges.

In their view, the country has been at the forefront of addressing critical issues such as peace and security, climate change, sustainable exploitation of marine resources through the Blue Economy, transforming education, and advocating for equitable representation in international affairs.

They further explain that Kenya’s commitment to peacebuilding, particularly in the Great Lakes Region, has been demonstrated through its efforts to mediate and resolve conflicts in neighboring countries, contributing to regional stability and security.

These actions have bolstered Kenya’s reputation as a hub for diplomatic peace dialogues.

Key goals of the conference include promoting an African renaissance by acknowledging Africa’s unique heritage and traditional values.

It also sees to strengthen ties and cooperation among African states “by cultivating positive and ethical global citizenship.”

There will be numerous plenary sessions on sustainable peace-building and development efforts.

Those who have organised the event say the participants will also evaluate and advance peace and development frameworks while encapsulating community-oriented actions and programs.

The event will be held under the theme: ‘One Family Under God: Empowering African Renaissance as A Global Catalyst for Freedom, Peace and Sustainable Development’.

Bishop John Warari, the chair of the GPLC 2024, said the forum will provide a platform for emerging and established African leaders including the youth to share experiences, best practices, and innovative solutions.

“This will enable them to address pressing challenges on the continent around peace and sustainable development while contributing to the continent’s progress,” Dr Warari said.

Key highlights of the meeting would be a tree planting exercise at Konza Technopolis – as part of GPLC’s commitment to environmental stewardship and Kenya’s reforestation efforts.

More than 30,000 seedlings are expected to be planted “symbolising a shared responsibility for a greener future in Kenya and Africa.”

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