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Kenyan High Commissioner-Designate to Uganda Maangi Assumes Duty
Kenyan High Commissioner-Designate to Uganda Maangi Assumes Duty
| July 25, 2024
Joash Maangi appears before the National Assembly Defence, Intelligence and Foreign Relations Committee for vetting for the position of Kenya High Commissioner to Uganda on April 4, 2024. Photo: Handout

Joash Maangi appears before the National Assembly Defence, Intelligence and Foreign Relations Committee for vetting for the position of Kenya High Commissioner to Uganda on April 4, 2024. Photo: Handout

Kenyan High Commissioner-designate to Uganda, Joash Maangi, presented copies of his letters of credence to the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs in charge of Regional Affairs, John Mulimba, on Wednesday in Kampala.

Maangi, a former Kisii Deputy Governor, was appointed by President Ruto after his vetting. During the vetting, he was questioned by members of the influential defense, intelligence, and foreign relations committee about the steps he plans to take to ease tensions over the Migingo issue and ensure that Kenyan fishermen are no longer harassed and mistreated by Ugandan police.

The relations between the two countries have experienced fluctuating moments, with a major incident occurring in June when Uganda House, recently upgraded and renovated, was burnt during intense protests in Nairobi against the finance bill of 2024.

Despite this, Kampala reaffirmed its strong relations with Nairobi.

“The government of the Republic of Uganda would like to categorically state that our relations with the government and indeed the people of the Republic of Kenya remain solid,” read a statement released by Uganda’s foreign ministry in late June.

Uganda House, a six-floor commercial building on Kenyatta Avenue, was vandalized and set ablaze as protests escalated from earlier peaceful demonstrations, leading to widespread destruction of property.

The building, which had been undergoing renovations and was slated for reopening on Friday, June 28, was only occupied by commercial tenants on the ground floor at the time of the incident.

The other floors, including the third floor which previously housed the Ugandan Consular office, had been vacated for renovations.

The Ugandan government expressed regret over the incident and commended the Nairobi City County fire department for its prompt response in extinguishing the fire, which prevented any fatalities or serious injuries.

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