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Foreign Envoys Hold Secret Talks with Kalonzo Over Kenyan Protests

Foreign Envoys Hold Secret Talks with Kalonzo Over Kenyan Protests
A photo of Meg Whitman US ambassador to Kenya. Image: HAND OUT

Foreign envoys in Kenya, led by the US Ambassador, Meg Whitman, on Friday, held a closed-door meeting with former Kenyan Vice President and Wiper Leader, Kalonzo Musyoka, regarding the ongoing anti-government protests in the country.

The Danish Ambassador to Kenya Ole Thonke, and an unnamed UN official were also present during the talks which were attended by Jeremiah Kioni and MP Opiyo Wandayi.

According to credible sources- Raila Odinga’s Communication Director Dennis Onyango was also in attendance. 

However, the details of their discussion remain undisclosed as the media was barred from accessing Kalonzo’s residence in Karen.

As protests enter day three, foreign envoys are intensifying their efforts to find a resolution to the situation, despite both the opposition and authorities maintaining firm stances.

In a joint statement issued this week, the envoys called for dialogue between the government and the opposition to put an end to the violent demonstrations that have tragically claimed the lives of some Kenyans.

The Commonwealth has also expressed deep concern over the escalating violence, conflict, and loss of life in Kenya. It urges all leaders and communities to engage in meaningful dialogue to address the challenges the nation is currently facing.

Kenyan Foreign Minister Alfred Mutua on Thursday met members of the diplomatic corps based in Nairobi where they discussed the ongoing cost of living demonstrations.

A senior Western diplomatic source who attended the meeting told KFP that the minister was ‘very irritated’ with the comment from the UN human rights office issued last week condemning the violence meted on protestors.

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