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Moscow to Send Veteran Diplomat to Nairobi
Moscow to Send Veteran Diplomat to Nairobi
| August 20, 2024
New Russian Ambassador to Kenya
Vsevolod Tkachenko in a past event. He is set to become Russia’s next ambassador to Kenya. Photo: Handout

Russia has appointed Vsevolod Tkachenko, a veteran career diplomat with extensive knowledge of African affairs, as its new envoy to Kenya, KFP has learned.

Tkachenko, currently serving as the Director of the Africa Department at the Russian Foreign Ministry, will succeed Dmitry Maksimychev, whose tour of duty has concluded.

Tkachenko, a graduate of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, began his diplomatic career in East Africa during the 1980s, with postings in Kampala, Uganda, and Zimbabwe.

A fluent Swahili speaker, he has also previously served as Russia’s top diplomat in Addis Ababa. His appointment comes at a time when Moscow is actively renewing its ties with African countries.

In a related development, Kenya has recently appointed Peter Mathuki as its new ambassador to Moscow.

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