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Ruto Slams Freezing of Russian Assets Over Ukraine War
Ruto Slams Freezing of Russian Assets Over Ukraine War
| June 17, 2024
On Saturday, June 15, 2024, President William Ruto criticized the European Union (EU) and the United States for seizing Russian assets in response to the ongoing war in Ukraine. Photo: Handout


President William Ruto criticized the European Union (EU) and the United States on Saturday, June 15, 2024, over the seizure of Russian assets due to the ongoing war in Ukraine.

Speaking at the Ukraine Peace Summit in Burgenstock, Switzerland, Ruto asserted that the actions of many EU member states contradicted the spirit of the United Nations.

Ruto argued that the EU and US should not retaliate by seizing Russian investments within their jurisdictions.

“Just as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was unlawful and unacceptable, the unilateral appropriation of Russian assets is equally unlawful, unacceptable, and a derogation from the UN Charter, especially for those of us who believe in freedom, justice, democracy,” Ruto said.

He added that all notions of vengeance must be dispelled, and unilateral actions that contradict the essence of multilateralism and collective action must be avoided at all costs.

According to the US Treasury, the country has frozen assets held by Russian citizens worth an estimated USD 58 billion, including homes, yachts, and private aircraft.

In the EU, the value of frozen Russian assets is estimated to be 211 billion euros. Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy had requested the Summit, seeking international support to bring peace and stability to his country.

President Ruto was honored to join world leaders at the Summit, which adopted consultations in line with the UN Charter.

He also emphasised the need for peace, condemning Russia’s actions. “Russia’s aggression against Ukraine is unlawful, unjust, and a violation of the fundamental principles of international law.

As we embark on the collective effort to resolve the conflict in Ukraine — and throughout the world — it is time for parties to the war to demonstrate good faith, abandon intransigent attitudes, and soften their positions for lasting peace to be realized,” Ruto stated.

Ruto also noted the global impact of the war, explaining that even a farmer in rural Kenya is aware of the conflict due to increased fertilizer costs and longer shipping times to Mombasa port.

He highlighted that the outbreak of these wars is a massive indictment of the current peace infrastructure, particularly the United Nations Security Council, which he described as being in chronic gridlock.

French President Emmanuel Macron, who also attended the Summit, assured the world that the West was not at war with Russia.

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