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Enchanting Indonesia Brings a Vibrant Cultural Showcase to Nairobi
Enchanting Indonesia Brings a Vibrant Cultural Showcase to Nairobi
| September 6, 2024
It offered a colorful array of traditional Indonesian fashion, dance, art, and cuisine, providing guests with a taste of Indonesia's diverse cultural heritage.
An Indonesian lady demonstrates her catwalk skills during the vibrant cultural showcase, wearing a striking outfit made from Batik fabric. Photo: Handout

The Indonesian Embassy in Nairobi hosted an “Enchanting Indonesia” event at Wisma Indonesia, the official residence of the Indonesian Ambassador.

Organized by Zulfah N. Saripudin, the Ambassador’s spouse, in collaboration with the Ladies’ Association of the Indonesian Embassy, this vibrant cultural celebration showcased Indonesia’s rich heritage.

Held on a Tuesday, the event also served as a regular meeting between the American Women’s Association (AWA) and the Indonesian mission in Nairobi that also covers the region.

It offered a colorful array of traditional Indonesian fashion, dance, art, and cuisine, providing guests with a taste of Indonesia’s diverse cultural heritage.

In his opening remarks, Ambassador Mohamad Hery Saripudin expressed his delight at seeing the Kenyan community engage with Indonesian culture.

He stressed the importance of cultural exchange in building mutual understanding and fostering stronger relations between Indonesia and Kenya.

Quoting a popular Indonesian proverb, “Tak Kenal maka Tak Sayang” (“If you don’t know, you can’t love”), he highlighted how sharing Indonesian arts, culture, and cuisine could deepen the friendship between the two nations.

The event featured a captivating Balinese dance performance, where a dancer displayed traditional movements and vibrant costumes, enthralling the audience.

Guests were also treated to a variety of Indonesian dishes, offering them a taste of the world’s largest archipelago’s unique flavors.

A notable highlight was a presentation on batik, Indonesia’s celebrated fabric art, which UNESCO has recognized as a “Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.”

Indonesian batik has made an appearance as African leaders met for the Indonesia-Africa Forum last week on Bali island in the Southeast Asia country.

Batik is worn throughout the country, especially on important occasions.

It offered a colorful array of traditional Indonesian fashion, dance, art, and cuisine, providing guests with a taste of Indonesia's diverse cultural heritage.

It is an important part of Indonesian culture and is an integral part of the everyday lives of Indonesians.

Models showcased both traditional and contemporary batik designs during a fashion show, revealing the fabric’s enduring charm.

Guests were invited to explore intricate batik pieces at a display stand, gaining a deeper appreciation for the craftsmanship involved in this art form.

The event highlighted the Embassy’s commitment to cultural diplomacy and its role in strengthening the ties of friendship between Indonesia and Kenya.

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