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A 60-Year Partnership Between Tanzania and China
A 60-Year Partnership Between Tanzania and China
| September 18, 2024
Tanzania-China relations
Tanzanian and Chinese Presidents shake hands in Beijing during the September 2024 FOCAC Summit, where Chinese and African officials gathered to discuss development. This year marks 60 years of partnership between the two nations. Photo: Handout

This year marks 60 years of deep-rooted brotherhood between Tanzania and China, a relationship characterized by mutual respect, cooperation, and shared development goals.

Here are some recent highlights of China’s presence and influence in Tanzania’s diplomacy:


In May, China and Tanzania launched a year of culture and tourism to celebrate 60 years of friendship.

Tanzanian delegates, including the then-Minister of Tourism Anjellah Kairuki and various stakeholders, traveled to Beijing to partake in cultural events, including dazzling performances of traditional Tanzanian dances like ‘ngoma.’

This cultural exchange underscored the deep bonds between the two nations and their shared commitment to strengthening ties through people-to-people connections.


China’s involvement in Tanzania goes beyond trade and culture; it extends to security cooperation as well.

In July, Chinese military forces participated in a joint exercise with their Tanzanian and Mozambican counterparts.

According to Chinese Defense Ministry spokesperson Zhang Xiaogang, the drills, part of the ‘Peace-Unity 2024’ program, focused on enhancing counter-terrorism capabilities among participating troops.

As part of this initiative, a fleet from the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Navy, consisting of three warships, also arrived in Tanzania. The exercises were conducted on land and at sea, with the opening ceremony held in Mapinga, Bagamoyo.


While China is often associated with trade and security, its role in Tanzania’s healthcare sector is noteworthy.

During the joint military drills, the medical team of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army provided healthcare services to local communities.

Moreover, a team of Chinese experts is currently in Pemba, Zanzibar, combating bilharzia (schistosomiasis), a parasitic disease caused by blood flukes.

Additionally, medical professionals from China’s Fuwai Yunnan Cardiovascular Hospital have partnered with Tanzania’s Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete Cardiac Institute to offer free cardiac screenings to over 900 children and perform non-invasive surgeries on those with heart complications.

This collaboration marks a significant step in advancing Tanzania’s healthcare system. Last month, the President of Zanzibar, Dr. Hussein Mwinyi, awarded Chinese experts (Group 33) medals and certificates for their contributions, particularly in introducing new cancer treatment technologies and renovating the Abdallah Mzee Pemba Hospital.


At the recent FOCAC Summit in Beijing, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed for the revitalization of the historic TAZARA railway, a key symbol of Sino-Tanzanian cooperation.

Beyond TAZARA, China is involved in constructing the Magufuli Bridge, set to be completed by 2025, which will link Busisi and Kigongo.

Though funded by the Tanzanian government, the project is undertaken by China’s CCECG. China is also building Tanzania’s first-ever fishing harbor in Kilwa Masoko, Lindi region, through the China Harbor Engineering Company Ltd (CHEC). This fishing port, set to be completed in 2025, will provide storage and market access for local fishermen.

Zitto Kabwe, a former ACT Wazalendo leader and economist, commented on the significance of the Kilwa Fishing Port project, stating, “The fisheries sub-sector is not well developed in Tanzania, so its contribution to the economy is minimal.The Kilwa Fishing Port project should catalyze the growth of the sector, generate jobs for the people of Kilwa and Lindi in general, and the whole south. I hope the project will empower the fisherfolks and enable them to have access to assured markets. Fishing can be a source of foreign exchange.”


China has also made strides in Tanzania’s tourism sector. In February, Chinese movie star Jin Dong visited Tanzania’s national parks and tourist attractions with the Presidents of Tanzania and Zanzibar.

This special film project aimed to promote Tanzanian tourism to the vast Chinese market, leveraging China’s large population to boost tourism revenue.

The six-decade-long relationship between China and Tanzania is a testament to enduring friendship, cooperation, and shared ambitions for development across various sectors.

From cultural exchanges and military drills to healthcare partnerships and infrastructure projects, this partnership continues to evolve, showcasing the multifaceted nature of Sino-Tanzanian ties.

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