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Kenyan Mission in London Embarrassed by Series of Mistaken Posts on UK Protests
Kenyan Mission in London Embarrassed by Series of Mistaken Posts on UK Protests
| August 6, 2024
The Kenyan High Commission in London found itself in the middle of a major diplomatic embarrassment on Tuesday after it fired off a series of X posts about the ongoing violence in the UK, only to delete them shortly after.
The Kenyan flag and that of the East African Community are proudly flying high at Kenya House in London. Photo: Handout

The Kenyan High Commission in London faced a significant diplomatic embarrassment on Tuesday after posting a series of tweets about the ongoing violence in the UK, only to delete them shortly afterward.

Initially, the mission posted three statements with incorrect references to Northern Ireland, mistakenly calling it “Northern Island” and “Northern Ireand.”

These posts were subsequently deleted, and a corrected statement was issued, only to be deleted again and replaced with a fourth statement that omitted references to Northern Ireland and featured a new design.

“Kenyan High Commission in London, United Kingdom is closely monitoring the series of protests happening in the United Kingdom, primarily driven by far-right and anti-immigrant groups,” read the fourth statement issued by the Kenyan mission.

Interestingly, the mission, located at Kenya House in London, has two deputy heads of mission: career diplomat Edwin Afande and London-based preacher Joseph Warui.

This is the first time Nairobi has deployed two deputy high commissioners to one embassy, and the Foreign Office has not provided any clarification on the reasons behind these postings.

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